Collection: Monthly Stock Order Sale



- Same great products,  at volume discount prices

- Each month we depend on your sales 

to bulk up our order so we can get better prices. 

We share the discount with you.  Come help out!


- You can send your orders in at your convenience

but the SALE CLOSES on

the last Sunday at midnight. 


- The products arrive at our shop and get shipped to you 

a few days after stock order closes. 


Happy Dance!

    But wait there is more!!

    Every product in the store has a subscription option.
    It is on the product page. 

    Select the item, quantity and the choose your timing.

    This is not an "auto ship".

    This is an email reminder.

    You have to initiate it inside the email reminder.

    Once you love the products and want to get them easily, then use this option to organize what you want.

    You can order or cancel right from your email.

    You will get this email at your chosen frequency.

    If you aren't ready to order, disregard it

    or save it and use it later.

    So easy!

    Buy your products right from your email 

    and receive a 5% discount as well.


    Can't find what you're looking for?

    You can search for products, FAQs, or topics. 

    We also have a (mostly live) chat

    at bottom right of each page.


    Continue practicing balance with these products.  Keep the light on!!