Instructions for Bravo GcMAF Formula Probiotic Yogurt
GcMAF is a formula. It is a formula that a natural product that looks like and is yogurt, but we don't treat it like yogurt. (take small amounts). It is made from probioitics but more probiotics than normal yogurt. Dr. Ruggiero did 324 experiments to arrive at the right formula to make Bravo Yogurt so that it creates the right ratio inside the microbiome and creates GcMAF a natural molecule created by the body that signal the immune system to turn on.
Please respect the formula. We can't use coconut or almond milk. We can't flood our day with standard yogurt, kefir, yeast, etc. Moderate amounts at other times in the day are better. We shouldn't be taking other probiotics while taking Bravo Yogurt. Bravo is plenty strong enough to support the need for probiotics.
When I first looked on line for all the different ways people were making yogurt, I found many types of Instructions and what I realized is that there were recipes for other formulas. However, there was lots of passion.
Bravo Box Kit Instructions
Each 1 liter packet uses 4 cups of milk with 3 packets of powder.Starter (silver packet)
Powder (small white packet)
Colostrum (large white packet)
Bravo Packets can be purchased as
1 pack (1 set)
3 packs (3 sets)
13 packs (13 sets)
The powders are very stable and can be shipped without any refrigeration, however, the life of the powders will be extended by refrigeration.
Preparing supplies and methods you will need.
How do you plan to culture the yogurt? See this post to talk about how to keep your culture appropriately warm.
Gather supplies to make yogurt you will need:
- Large pot for heating milk - put some water inside the big pot and a smaller pot to heat the milk, like a double boiler. This is so you don't burn the milk. Alternatively, you can heat the milk slowly.
- Large glass bowl - something to cool the milk, skim it, and mix the powder into it.
- Thermometer - to test the milk as it heats and then again to make sure it's cool. The first time, you may want to test the culture warming spot to calibrate it to 93 degrees
- 2 Medium size strainers - to skim the skin off of the cooled milk, and one to sift the powders to remove lumps before you mix them into the milk
- Metal cooking spoon (not wood), whisk, or electric mixer to mix in the powders into the milk.
- Cover for bowl - don't seal it tight with a lid. It needs a be loose. A large plastic or ceramic plate would work nicely. I use corning ware with lids to match.
- 1 quart of milk
How much Bravo Yogurt do you want to make? The first month, a person needs 1 half liter of Bravo Yogurt. How do I split the powders to make 1 half liter?
Finding healthy milk
The thickness & texture of the final product can vary depending on the source of the milk. It is best to use an organic, whole, non-homogenized cow’s milk or raw milk if possible. Use the best you can find. If you have dairy allergies you can still use the dairy yogurt on your skin for all the same benefits.
Do not use “Ultra Pasteurized” (UHT) milk, since the high temperature breaks the milk proteins. Do not use milk with added preservatives, hormones, or other chemical substances. Do not use fruit, rice, soy, almond, or coconut beverages. Bravo Yogurt Kits do NOT contain, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, sugar, gluten, soy, egg, rice, starch, hormones, or antibiotics.
Preparation Instructions
Heat the amount of milk you wish to use. (Default for the kit is 4 cups)
- Slowly heat the milk until it reaches 160-180 degrees. If you are using raw milk, review what you consider to be "home pasteurization". We are using it as well to remove casein, the skim that comes to the top as milk cools.
- Cool down quickly if possible by using an ice bath. Cool the milk to under 100 degrees without stirring.
- Remove the thick layer on the top of the cooled milk. (casein)
- Add 3 packets of powder. The default amount of powder is the entire contents of these 3 different packets. If you wish to make 2 cups (1 half liter jar) the powders can be split in half. See how to split powders here.
- Mix with a spoon, whisk, or electric mixer.
- Put the mixture in a vessel that can be heated to make the culture Use a loosely covered vessel. Don't seal a lid, rather put a plate, paper towel or lay something on top of the vessel.
- Culture the milk and powder mixture according to the method you have chosen in the instructions above.
Culturing Method
Everyone finds their own method of making a warm environment to culture the milk. We use 93 degrees for 12 hours. Once you find your method it will be easily repeatable. Test your options first with a bowl of water and a thermometer.
Possible options are:
An oven with JUST the light bulb on. Adjust distance to adjust temperature.
Yogurt machine - the bottom is too hot. Use a wire rack or a roll of tape to keep the bowl off of the direct heat. Warm the yogurt with ambient air.
Most instant pots have a yogurt button. Use the yogurt “lesser” adjustment for the heat setting and set the time for 12 hours. Put the bowl inside on a wire rack.
Iris Ohyama yogurt maker sets temp and time. Easy to use and no adjustments except for a voltage adapter.
Time and Temperature
The temperature determines the time used for culturing. A solid, sure fire approach is to use 93 degrees for 12 hours. Many old instructions on the internet are from different formulas & from different times. Cooler temps with longer times have greater risk of the milk going bad and batch failure.
Use the taste method to test doneness. Milk and powder will culture into a silky taste. When the mixture is 100% silky with no raw milk taste, it is done. If the taste has a tang, it is over done. That will not affect the formula but try and stay with the 100% silky.
Goat milk has smaller fat molecules and tends to always be syrupy, which is normal and doesn’t affect the formula. When using raw milk, there will be naturally occurring cream which doesn’t affect the formula.
Once the product has reached its desired doneness, stop the heat source using internal or external timers. The temperature can drift to room temp for a few hours if you are asleep or away. Then put the culture in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before use.
Store in a glass jar with a lid. Yogurt will last for about 2-3 weeks in plain glass. The violet Miron jars and a clean fridge will usually double the freshness time due to the energy of the glass. If you taste a sharp bite, the yogurt has spoiled.
… FAQ tab at has tips
Using Bravo Yogurt
Month One
The first month using Bravo is about slowly coating the mucosa membranes and the detox pathways until they shimmer. Take your dose when you are sleepy, open and relaxed. Like hand lotion, more is not better because excess won’t absorb.
1/4 teaspoon 2x per day for a week
1 teaspoon 2x per day for a week
1 tablespoon 2x per day for a week
2 tablespoon 2x per day for a week
Month Two
Explore your ideal dose. Too little, you won’t feel refreshed. Take too much and you’ll feel too busy. Take the right dose and you will feel great. Then be disciplined to stay with that dose and the ketogenic lifestyle.
Month Three
In the third month, you will be killing bad microbes and parasites. Don’t let them trick you into keeping them alive and falling off the upward path to health.
The integrity of the Bravo is supported by dark green leafy veggies, ketogenic diet & food based minerals. Antibiotics will diminish Bravo’s microbiome. The use of kefir, other yogurt, yeasts should be taken at a different time of the day.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.